Personal & Business Coaches

The Fresh Results Mastermind Group (FRMG) are individuals from like professions (not necessarily like-minded) who convene to share a fresh synergy of energy, authenticity, trust, passion, commitment, and motivation. This leads to the participants elevating and enhancing the bar by sharing best practices and respectfully challenging each other to raise the bar, surpass their goals, storm the brain, and achieve exponential fresh results.
Please select contact to learn about the next mastermind session and joining requirements

Business & Educational Trainers

The Fresh Results Mastermind Group (FRMG) are individuals from like professions (not necessarily like-minded) who convene to share a fresh synergy of energy, authenticity, trust, passion, commitment, and motivation. This leads to the participants elevating and enhancing the bar by sharing best practices and respectfully challenging each other to raise the bar, surpass their goals, storm the brain, and achieve exponential fresh results.
Please select contact to learn about the next mastermind session and joining requirements

Fitness & Sports Trainers

The Fresh Results Mastermind Group (FRMG) are individuals from like professions (not necessarily like-minded) who convene to share a fresh synergy of energy, authenticity, trust, passion, commitment, and motivation. This leads to the participants elevating and enhancing the bar by sharing best practices and respectfully challenging each other to raise the bar, surpass their goals, storm the brain, and achieve exponential fresh results.
Please select contact to learn about the next mastermind session and joining requirements


The Fresh Results Mastermind Group (FRMG) are individuals from like professions (not necessarily like-minded) who convene to share a fresh synergy of energy, authenticity, trust, passion, commitment, and motivation. This leads to the participants elevating and enhancing the bar by sharing best practices and respectfully challenging each other to raise the bar, surpass their goals, storm the brain, and achieve exponential fresh results.
Please select contact to learn about the next mastermind session and joining requirements

New Managers

The Fresh Results Mastermind Group (FRMG) are individuals from like professions (not necessarily like-minded) who convene to share a fresh synergy of energy, authenticity, trust, passion, commitment, and motivation. This leads to the participants elevating and enhancing the bar by sharing best practices and respectfully challenging each other to raise the bar, surpass their goals, storm the brain, and achieve exponential fresh results.

Please select contact to learn about the next mastermind session and joining requirements


The Fresh Results Mastermind Group (FRMG) are individuals from like professions (not necessarily like-minded) who convene to share a fresh synergy of energy, authenticity, trust, passion, commitment, and motivation. This leads to the participants elevating and enhancing the bar by sharing best practices and respectfully challenging each other to raise the bar, surpass their goals, storm the brain, and achieve exponential fresh results.

Please select contact to learn about the next mastermind session and joining requirements


The Fresh Results Mastermind Group (FRMG) are individuals from like professions (not necessarily like-minded) who convene to share a fresh synergy of energy, authenticity, trust, passion, commitment, and motivation. This leads to the participants elevating and enhancing the bar by sharing best practices and respectfully challenging each other to raise the bar, surpass their goals, storm the brain, and achieve exponential fresh results.

Please select contact to learn about the next mastermind session and joining requirements

Senior Managers

The Fresh Results Mastermind Group (FRMG) are individuals from like professions (not necessarily like-minded) who convene to share a fresh synergy of energy, authenticity, trust, passion, commitment, and motivation. This leads to the participants elevating and enhancing the bar by sharing best practices and respectfully challenging each other to raise the bar, surpass their goals, storm the brain, and achieve exponential fresh results.

Please select contact to learn about the next mastermind session and joining requirements

Middle Managers

The Fresh Results Mastermind Group (FRMG) are individuals from like professions (not necessarily like-minded) who convene to share a fresh synergy of energy, authenticity, trust, passion, commitment, and motivation. This leads to the participants elevating and enhancing the bar by sharing best practices and respectfully challenging each other to raise the bar, surpass their goals, storm the brain, and achieve exponential fresh results.

Please select contact to learn about the next mastermind session and joining requirements

College Graduates

The Fresh Results Mastermind Group (FRMG) are individuals from like professions (not necessarily like-minded) who convene to share a fresh synergy of energy, authenticity, trust, passion, commitment, and motivation. This leads to the participants elevating and enhancing the bar by sharing best practices and respectfully challenging each other to raise the bar, surpass their goals, storm the brain, and achieve exponential fresh results.

Please select contact to learn about the next mastermind session and joining requirements